The TallGrass Blog
Congratulations and a huge round of applause for mothers everywhere.
Brrrrrrr....As I write this, the weather folks predict 30 below zero wind chill tonight. That's just ridiculous! And, though I will be safe and snug in bed next to my "super heater" husband, I usually lay awake and worry about our three fox trotter horses, Duke, Jet and Flash, toughing it out in the open barns. Of course, much more critical are the people who don't have adequate heat and shelter during weather like this.
Inspiration can come on many different levels, and sometimes the most profound are from small daily occurrences, like walking our dog, Lilly.
As you may know, our mission at TallGrass is to “awe and inspire.” Our current Spa Babe, Gloria Golson (read about her in our current e-newsletter) brought to my attention a wonderful article in the December issue of “O” Magazine. It’s about “awe.”
Just the other day, someone asked me what my thoughts were about celebrating our TallGrass 15 year anniversary this month.
There is so much activity around TallGrass these days that it’s hard to know where to begin. Here are the highlights and you can get all the details in the articles in the October newsletter on our website.