Message from Gail Sharp
March 2025

Are you old enough to remember the little song that goes "Make new friends but keep the old"? Possibly from the Girl Scouts?
I'm fortunate to have a gang of good friends that I adore. Not just individual friends, but a special group who have been through many experiences and life stages together. Most are married and, while I'm single, I still feel like I fit in, which is so comforting. We have traveled together often and it's so joyful and easy!
This year for a February beach trip (check out the view, above!), several people in my group were unable to travel for a variety of reasons, so a different group rented a seaside house together. Honestly, I had some trepidation. Would the dynamics of the group work as well? I'm happy to say, though I missed the familiarity and closeness of my normal friend group, the opportunity to meet new people and get to know them was good too. But, believe me, there was a lot of self-talk to remain open
and positive before I left Colorado. It worked. And I made new friends.
Change is almost always hard, dang it! As I age, it's so easy to hold onto the way things were. Quite possibly you resist change, too.
Like everything else in life, my outlook will more often than not create my reality. So, my new friends are silver and my old friends are solid gold. I can't imagine my life without any of them!
I hope you are appreciating your old - and new - friends. We all need each other!
Gail Sharp is the owner of TallGrass Spa and Salon. Email her at .