Message from Gail Sharp
October 2024
Oh, my goodness! I cannot remember such a glorious, perfect September.
Mother Nature is gifting us with stunning beauty and weather before the season changes. As always at this time of year, I’m reminding myself to focus on the good parts of winter. (So, what are they again?) 😊
Life at my ranch is easy now. My menagerie is happy and healthy. I am riding my horse often and walking my goats and dogs daily. (Want to join me?) To this very peaceful time, add some weird and wonderful animal behavior. Lady, my finicky, prissy, “I don’t like any other horses” mare has fallen in love with her stinky, fat barn mate Okie the cow. And the feeling is mutual. He moos loudly when Lady and I leave for a ride and moos a greeting when we come back up the driveway.
If Lady can’t see Oakie in the pasture, she frets and runs frantically looking for him. I’ve seen books on strange animal friendships and now I am a witness. Lovely to watch!
October is the month when TallGrass begins collecting items for our Veterans Backpack Project. We place travel sized toiletries and men’s underwear into string backpacks to give to our men (mostly) and women who have served our country but have now fallen on hard times. We have a tub in our reception area for your donations and The Wild Game entertainment complex in Evergreen is also a great drop off point. Here is the list of needed items. On Friday morning, November 8, at 8:30 a.m.,
TallGrass employees, Evergreen Rotarians, and community members will get together at Wild Game to pack about 400 backpacks. We form an assembly line and it takes us about an hour to fill the packs. You are welcome you to join us for this very cool event!
Please reach out to me for questions about goat walking or veterans backpacks. Both are interesting and worthwhile. And, if your life is a bit too hectic for either event, then come up to visit TallGrass for rest and rejuvenation. I hope to see you soon!
P.S. We are proud to announce that after having earned a Bronze level of achievement in the Colorado Green Business Network, we have now upgraded to the Silver level! The Colorado Green Business Network, a statewide agency, encourages businesses to work toward environmental responsibility. One of our value statements at TallGrass is: "We care for the environment." We are committed to being a positive force for the natural world and will continue making choices that help our planet move toward
health. Here is the website if you or your company are interested in learning about the Colorado Green Business Network.
Gail Sharp is the owner of TallGrass Spa and Salon. Email her at .