Message from Gail Sharp, TallGrass Owner
How does a month devoted to celebrating love make you feel? Thrilled that you share an incredible bond with your soul mate? Gushy inside about your spouse or significant other? Or, do you go into a tailspin of loneliness? Are you depressed to think everyone is sending and receiving Valentines from their true loves?
I've felt all of these emotions. Every. One. Of them.
However, as I've aged, I've learned that I can choose the feelings I want to embrace. What I focus on grows. So, yes, I'm focusing on love this month. I absolutely LOVE my dear friends; they are the people who support and encourage me. I LOVE my volunteer friends, especially at Evergreen Rotary, Mt. Evans Hospice, and Evergreen Animal Protective League. I LOVE my fellow sober friends in my AA group. I LOVE my teammates and work partners at TallGrass. And, of course, I LOVE all our wonderful
guests; they make our jobs so fulfilling. I even LOVE the short, dark, dull days of winter because they create the anticipation of spring, just around the corner. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my animals, my home, and my family. And, I LOVE the God of my understanding completely.
There is so much in this world to love that doesn't require romance! I hope that you, too, choose to focus on all the loves in your life.
Gail Sharp is the owner of TallGrass Spa and Salon. Email her at .