Message from Gail Sharp
Sometimes your intuition gives you a nudge. I call my intuition God, but everyone has their own name for it – your gut, the universe, your inner self.
Recently, I was walking with my dogs and goats, as I do every afternoon. I selected a route and was on my way, but suddenly I got the urge to backtrack and go another way. Weird. Okay, I thought, I’ll follow this nudge. So I did and, as I turned onto the other road, there was a bleating fawn caught by her back leg in a fence. Though she was very agitated, I was able to lift her and take the pressure off the stuck leg. After a bit of help from me, she pulled her leg free and, without
serious injury, bounded off into the forest – followed by her mom – who must have been watching us the entire time. If I hadn’t listened to my nudge, who knows what would have happened to that sweet animal! As I age, I’m trying to be more aware of these kinds of hints about the next right thing to do. Certainly, I miss some of them still, but I just might be making progress.
Taking time to meditate and connect is the key for me. I hope that you are giving yourself the gift of quiet time – your inner guide will become more apparent as you do.
Gail Sharp is the owner of TallGrass Spa and Salon.